My Story

One of the most interesting parts of my story is that it isn’t really mine. I’m picking up and dusting off the pieces of something beautiful my oldest brother Liam started right after I was born.

My mom says the world has changed a lot since then. We’re more connected but have even less real-life connection. I think that means a lot of people need love more than ever. And, now that I’m old enough, I am excited I get a chance to share the Luv with those who can use it most. I hope you are one of them!

With Luv,
Jett and The Luv Jett Project ♥️ (formerly Luv Liam)

P.S. You can read how it all started below…

How It Began…Liam’s Story

Hi. I’m Liam. I am a homeschooler, but used to go to a school program one day a week. I had a tough time on Valentine’s Day one year and my mom shared what happened on her blog. After, lots of people wrote to me to say nice things. Some sent emails or videos. Some friends even sent Valentines to me and my brothers and sister in the mail.

This made me feel awesome and like a lot of people really cared about me. People I didn’t even know.

We talked about how serving others is the best thing you can do to take your mind off your own problems. Showing people love can be easy and make them feel good. And when I am kind to people, I feel good too.

We came up with the idea of sending notes to friends and family just to tell them I love them. Then, we thought why not send cards to anyone that needs love or encouragement? I know there are a lot of people out there who need to know someone cares about them. And there may be kids who need to know they have a friend. Or, someone may just like getting a real letter in the mail.

We came up with the idea of creating a website where people can send their stories and mailing address. At first we were just going to send regular cards, but then we thought it would be fun to design special postcards just from me. That’s how Luv Liam got started.