This is where we will post some of the stories that you share. And hopefully, some stories of how Luv Jett made you smile (just like Luv Liam did so many years ago). Maybe people will even send pictures of their Luv Notes. I hope so!
The last week has been amazing! So many people from all over the country have asked for Luv or sent Luv notes. One family from as far away as the Netherlands even wrote to us. The youngest person that needed Luv was just a baby and others asked for notes for their grandmas. We think…
He May Not Remember But I Will… For him, friends are a big deal.They are talked about and treasured.And thought about.And on the tip of his tongue when he wakes.They are important to the most extroverted boy I know.And love.He doesn’t spend entire school days with peers–But still, play comes often. In the neighborhood.At church.…